
We are an affordable and supportive housing real estate consortium practicing and specializing in providing strategic guidance and financial structuring to support the execution

Nairobi | Rwanda
+(254) 720 721610

© 2021 RwallTech | Real Estate & Consultancy

The building WALLTECH system is, without a doubt, a modern construction process that goes beyond being a simple alternative of any traditional way of housing and offers simple work execution, optimize time, human and economic resources and improved quality of life for the user.

6 General improvement In the housing politics. The WALLTECH system improves  the housing politics in the following ways:

  • Guarantees quality of materials and building process
  • Prevents hidden bad habits of construction
  • Adapts to any requirement of the official regulations besides, it offers the final user the following benefits:
  • An acoustic and thermally isolated housing (saving energy)
  • An economic housing of excellent quality
  • Patrimonial security
  1.  Indirect cost decrease. WALLTECH system reduces building time compared to traditional systems, offering the following economic benefits:
  • 12% Saving costs (Aprox.)
  • Savings in supervision expenses
  • Savings in financing (short time of execution)
  • Quick investment recovery
  1.  Direct cost savings. WALLTECH is a very quick and efficient construction system that reduces:
  • Manpower costs
  • Materials Costs
  • Expenses of installations
  • Investment recovery
  • Work supervision
  1.  Acoustic and thermal isolation. As a result of the space generated between the panel faces (which has the option to be filled with foam), WALLTECH system brakes the “Thermal & Acoustic Bridge” that is generated in the traditional constructive systems.
  1.  Below is the list of some of the most important features that make our system stand out among all other candidates in the market.




  1. Better handling of inventories. WALLTECH is a very simple building system that provides better handling of inventories. In Traditional Systems inputs includes block or bricks, sand, cement, water, tools, gravel, small rods, wire,  corrugated bars, wood. WALLTECH System inputs consist on the following  items only:
  • WallTech panels
  • Mortar
  • Tools

6. Better handling of inventories. WALLTECH is a very simple building system that provides better handling of inventories. In Traditional Systems inputs includes block or bricks, sand, cement, water, tools, gravel, small rods, wire,  corrugated bars, wood. WALLTECH System inputs consist of the following  items only:

  • Great structural capacity
  • Less weight.
  • Savings in foundation
  • Resistance to fire
  • Monolithic unions
  • Acoustic insulation
  • Minimum completion time
  • Easy and simple installations
  • Excellent seismic behavior

For the architects

  • They can design any form
  • The finishing touches will continue the same as in the traditional system
  • The construction is very quick